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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

Turning Regret into Gratitude (Video) beauty circumstances gratitude joy overcoming pain past recover recovery regret victory

How do you turn regret into gratitude? Hint: It's all about how you interpret your past. Watch the video to learn more!

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Am I a Bad Pastor? (Part 1) alignment confidence contribution energy fear finding your fit gifts insecure joy leadership ministry misfit self esteem spiritual gifts strengths

One of the scariest days of my life was the day I was given the title “Lead Pastor” of Westside Community Church in Beaverton, Oregon. Don’t get me wrong - I wanted the job. I had felt called to be a pastor way back at the age of 17. I was just terrified of letting everybody...

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Planning Your Next Day Off

People are always asking my wife and I about our day off. It's true, our days off are pretty good. So I'm writing this short piece in order to share a bit about why a weekly day off is so important to us, how we protect and prioritize it, and the ways we use that down time to make our...

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The Difference Between Strain and Strength challenges don't quit finish strong help leadership overcoming power quit quitting strength struggles temptation weakness

I know you want to make it to the finish line. You want the personal satisfaction and the heavenly affirmation that you did it - you served, you invested, you sacrificed, you led, you impacted, and you gave your all for the right reasons over the long haul to make a difference. That's the goal...

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Seize 2024: Unleashing Your Potential by Taking New Territory 2024 achievement churchgrowth goals grief help moving on new year newyear personal growth potential resolutions stuck unstuck wellness

I’ve never jumped off the high dive. I’m kind of ashamed to admit that. I’ve jumped off the low dive and the medium dive, but never the high dive. I don’t quite know why, because I’m a decent swimmer and I actually like taking risks. But when I’m up there...

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White Space is Your Friend

The most amazing thing happened on Thanksgiving morning this year. It's like the whole world kept sleeping when I got up. It was quiet, perfectly still. As I dove into my usual morning routine with coffee, Scripture and journal it was like the lights turned on in my mind and heart -- a sudden...

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How to Fix Your Funk clarity confusion depression discouragement energy fatigue fog fresh joy peace power strength

The other morning I woke up in a funk. Fuzzybrain, feeling a little overwhelmed and wishing I could be transported to some tropical island. I’m sure you’ve had a moment like that before.

I’ve learned that my best weapon in these moments is my journal. No wonder they...

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What's Sucking the Joy Out of Your Work?

Ever get halfway through a week and think, "WHAT AM I DOING? I'm so busy I can't even keep track of my work...let alone enjoy it!" 

If so, you're not alone. The pace of our world and the demands on our modern lives are at an all-time high, and the only way out is an intentional REVOLT and...

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Before You Can Fix Your Schedule burnout chaos effectiveness overworked priorities productivity schedule

Ever been frustrated with your schedule and wondered how you're going to fix it? In this video Gabe Kolstad shares what you have to do BEFORE you can fix your schedule. From how your calendar works to what you should be committing to, to what you should be eliminating, don't miss this practical...

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Why You Keep Saying Yes When You Should Say No balance burnout happiness overload overwhelm planning pressure priorities work workplace

You said yes, and now you wish you could say no. But it's too late and now you're committed. Correction, now you're over-committed.

If you're a leader, you've been there. And sometimes you can course correct, but sometimes you really can't reverse it - you just have to push through that...

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6 Signs It's Time to Prune busy help overbooked overwhelmed productivity pruning schedule stuck tired

You know the feeling. You've got too much going on and you're not sure what to do about it. Maybe it's the season our world is in, but I know so many people going through this right now. Are you one of them?

If you think you might be, here are 6 signs it's time to prune:

1. Fatigue


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The Cure for Your Fear afraid courageous fear frustration fulfillment help hope passion purpose vision

The Cure for Your Fear

Your fear doesn’t have to hold you back. In fact, some of the most amazing world-changers started out with some of the most debilitating fear of people.

Yet, if the fear of people is something you struggle with, you’re probably using it as an excuse.

Moses did....

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