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6 Signs It's Time to Prune

busy help overbooked overwhelmed productivity pruning schedule stuck tired Jun 17, 2023

You know the feeling. You've got too much going on and you're not sure what to do about it. Maybe it's the season our world is in, but I know so many people going through this right now. Are you one of them?

If you think you might be, here are 6 signs it's time to prune:

1. Fatigue

You feel lethargic, you say no to opportunities, you aren't sleeping well at night. This could be a signal from heaven that it's time for a change.

2. Irritability

"When you're under pressure, you're not as nice." Has anyone ever said that to you? They have to me, and it gave me the nudge I needed to take a closer look. 

3. Quality Drop

If you're not turning out the kind of work or results you're used to, it might be that you're just doing too much. How's your quality?

4. Conflict

One of the first warning lights of overload is interpersonal conflict - particularly with your loved ones. If your argument count is going up and the tension is rising in your relationships, you might want to pay attention.

5. Lack of Passion

If your passion for life, family, work, goals, or health are waning, it could be that your emotions are trying to get your attention. 

6. Stalled Progress

When you're running into a brick wall in areas you normally excel in, it might be time to take a pause to regroup. 

How about you? Are any of the 6 signs calling your name? If so, take some time to reflect and commit now to the process of pruning.

I'll be sharing more in my upcoming posts about what I'm learning in this area - and I'd love to hear what you're learning too. Please take a minute to comment and share your own thoughts and tips so we can all grow together.


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