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Are You Running On Low Power Mode?

drained fatigue low power missing missing out more power tired Jun 15, 2024

When was the last time your phone died part way into the day and you had to find a charger just to get back to basic functionality? It’s annoying isn’t it? We take for granted that our devices are going to last the whole day, but sometimes they don’t.

Well, our bodies and spirits aren’t so different. They require constant recharging. Isn’t it true that you sometimes find yourself in a season where you keep running out of juice before the day is over.

Some people have found a trick: Low Power Mode. Like your phone setting that allows you to extend the life of your battery by reducing the phone’s performance.

Are you ever tempted to do that with your own life?

Low power mode leads to that conversation where you’re not listening because your brain can’t keep up with the demands of the day. Or you miss the home run at the Little League game. Or you can’t decide on your most important priorities for the day. Or you don’t follow through on your responsibilities at home. Instead you regress to mindless activities like scrolling or surfing or binging. And the day comes and goes and no splash was made.

If I’m being honest, I’ve had lots of days like that.

But I’m learning a better way.

I’m learning that I have the freedom to choose my level of power each day.

As a person who loves variety, I’ve subconsciously resisted having too many routines in my life. I don’t want things to get boring or too predictable. But that has held me back from showing up as my best self way too many times, and so I’ve made a conscious decision to lean into the routines that can empower me to live, lead and love at my highest levels. I’m really pushing myself these days on this.

Here are a few recharging habits I’m finding that put me at my best in my personal life, in my leadership, and in all my pursuits:

  1. A Morning Routine. I’m a morning person, so this one has been a little bit easier. This includes journaling, interacting with Scripture, praying, my mindset questions, planning my day, eating a solid breakfast, and even a set of stretches that put me in a much better place to start my day.
  2. A checklist of things I want to accomplish every day. This includes reading and writing, along with daily connections that not only fill my tank but allow me to make a small contribution in someone else’s life.
  3. An Evening Routine. OK, this one is much harder for me. At this point it’s hit and miss, but I’m trying to become more aware by reviewing these things. This includes winding down so I can sleep well, running through my evening reflection questions, and doing some deep breathing before I go to sleep. I’m not doing great here, but I’m making progress.
  4. Using intentional transitions during the day. These are mini-breaks I use between major time blocks during the day so that I can take a deep breath, close any loops left over from the previous activity, and really set my intentions for what’s next so I can focus more fully. For me, this can be the difference maker between a great day and a tough day.

I think the key on these things is not having the perfect system or following your system perfectly. I think the key is developing an increasing awareness of your own power level and finding the things that recharge you - then building those things into your daily flow.

They say, “you will succeed in what you emphasize.” I’m finding more and more joy and strength as I lean into these things. Hopefully one day in the not-too-distant future, someone I love will notice that my energy is up, my presence is consistent, and my contribution to their lives has risen to another level. That’s the goal.

I’d love to know what recharges you! Take a second to shoot me an email ([email protected]). We can all learn from each other. 

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