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One Great Trait of Fast-Growing Leaders

fast growth growth mindset humility leadership growth leadership lessons leadership success personal development stuck unstuck Sep 23, 2024

 Do you ever look around at some of the great leaders in the world and wonder, "How did they get to be like that?" I know I have—probably a gazillion times! There’s something captivating about watching a person operate at such a high level of effectiveness, charisma, and influence. It sparks a desire in all of us to grow, to learn the “secret sauce” that elevates their game.

But let’s be honest, we don’t just want to know how to grow—we want to know how to grow fast. Because time is life, and the clock never stops ticking. Every day, we’re handed a fresh, finite opportunity to step up, level up, and live our lives to the fullest. And that’s the weight we feel, isn’t it? The pressure to not waste what we’ve been given.

So, what’s the key to rapid, sustained growth? I’ve boiled it down to one word, and it’s probably not what you expect:


Now, before you roll your eyes because you’ve heard this before, stick with me for a second. Humility is more than just a “nice” trait to have. I believe it’s a mindset—the attitude of perpetual repentance. It’s the continual process of turning away from my way and realigning with God’s way. At its core, humility is the willingness to admit I don’t have it all figured out and that I need to change.  

Do you have that? 

That might sound familiar if you’ve ever read Carol Dweck’s work on the growth mindset. She describes it as a belief that you can improve through effort and learning. And honestly, that’s what humility is all about: seeing every mistake, misstep, or challenge as a learning opportunity. It’s about having the courage to say, “I was wrong,” “I’ve changed my mind,” or “I can do better.”

Chances are, you’re already practicing this in some areas of your life. But if you’ve found yourself stuck lately, feeling like no matter what you do, you’re not moving forward, it’s worth asking the question: Am I willing to change?

Humility is a powerful force that can elevate not only your leadership but your entire life. And the best part? It’s contagious. When you model this for those around you, you set the stage for a culture of growth, where admitting mistakes and seeking better ways forward becomes the norm.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Keep practicing humility. Lean into it. Embrace it. Because the faster you humble yourself, the faster you’ll grow.



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