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Preventing Procrastination | Enemies of Excellence #2

action avoidance beat inaction break the cycle excellence fear impact momentum motion procrastination progress stuck taking action unstuck Oct 07, 2024

Inaction—the silent killer of progress. It shows up as procrastination, blame, or simple avoidance, and if you’re like me, you’ve dealt with it more times than you’d like to admit. It’s like this: an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest? Well, it tends to stay at rest. And that is where the trap lies.

Why do we procrastinate? Honestly, I think it’s more about fear than anything else. Fear of failure, fear of discomfort, and fear of the unknown. Sometimes it’s the allure of ease and comfort that draws us into inaction, making us think life will be better if we just don’t. But here's the truth: we either pay now or pay later. The cost of inaction only rises with time—think of it as a form of life inflation.

I can look back and pinpoint moments where inaction held me back. But I’m not that person anymore. These days, I'm becoming more and more a person of action. It’s 6 AM, and I’m sitting here in my new office, I've already checked off my morning routine, and I'm ready to tackle the day. My space is dialed in—beautiful setup, standing desk, killer sound system, the whole deal. I’m in motion, and it feels incredible.

Here’s the reality: Action breeds momentum. You don’t wait until you feel ready. You start moving and let the momentum build. Even when you're tired. Even when you're afraid. Even when you're uncertain. Do it anyway.

  • You’re exhausted? Do it anyway.
  • You’ve failed before? Do it anyway.
  • You’re doubting yourself? Do it anyway.

If it’s the right thing, then the right time is now. Start with one step.

Write that book. Start that group. Send that email. Make that request. Clean that house. Pay off that debt. Give that apology. Forgive that offense. Serve that spouse.

Here’s the kicker: a thing can’t be excellent if it doesn’t exist. You were created in the image of the ultimate Creator. That makes you both creature and creator, entrusted with the ability—and responsibility—to shape the world around you. What creation has God planted in you that the world needs to see? What have you been holding back?

Imagine a world without lightbulbs. Without the internet. Without electricity. What if those inventors had let inaction hold them back?

Don’t let the same happen to you.

So, here’s the call to action: Move. Today, choose one thing you’ve been avoiding and take action on it. No more waiting. No more excuses. No more delays.

And when you take that first step, you’ll find that inaction is no match for momentum.

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