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Ideas & Inspiration for your journey

Leading Through Change Without Losing Your Soul leadingchange transition

Leading change in the church can be terrifying. No amount of advice, pep talks or planning can prepare you for the feeling that you’ve just jumped off a cliff. That’s because you know you’re trading safety and security for the dream of something bigger. You’re trading...

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A Crazy Idea That Will Increase Your Impact in Your City churchgrowth churchplanting impact ministry outreach time

Their eyebrows go up every time I talk about it.

“Am I allowed to do that?” “I don’t see how I could make that happen.” “Is it worth it?”

A few years ago I had the great privilege to host two California friends for a Portland workshop called Multiply...

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Keeping Anxiety In Check anxiety hope

If you don’t get a handle on your anxiety, it’s going to eat you alive.

Especially in a season like this.

Just when it seems like the world is settling down, more chaos and turmoil and division erupt. Like clockwork. The solution to your anxiety is not waiting for things to calm down....

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Building a Culture of Multiplication churchgrowth churchplanting multiplication teamwork

Making an impact doesn’t have to take a toll. As I write these words I’m in the middle of one of the “three-day study breaks” I’ve put on the calendar for this year. And let me tell you … it feels weird. I’m sitting in a coffee shop on the...

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How Top Leaders Stay Fresh leadership personalgrowth

I’ve always been inspired by the leaders that seem to move from season to season gaining energy, vitality, ideas and excitement. Have you ever wondered how they do that? How do they keep up with the demands and stay ahead of growth?

The secret is, those leaders have something unique....

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3 Reasons Your Change Efforts Could Fail change leadership

Leaders are most vulnerable when they are introducing change. And guess what leaders spend most of their time doing? That’s right … introducing change! It’s no wonder leadership can be intimidating.

There are a few predictable problems that often stall out, short circuit or...

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5 Questions for Better Discipleship discipleship

My first experience at IKEA was magical. The giant, waving flags outside the massive, blue structure with yellow, giraffe-sized lettering made me feel like I was walking into a theme park.

We entered through the front door and I instantly felt drawn in. It wasn’t just because of my...

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