Ideas & Inspiration for your journey
Inaction—the silent killer of progress. It shows up as procrastination, blame, or simple avoidance, and if you’re like me, you’ve dealt with it more times than you’d like to admit. It’s like this: an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest? Well, it...
Perfectionism has been a relentless adversary in my life. It’s a sneaky enemy that disguises itself as a quest for excellence, but in reality, it’s a fear-driven rigidity that shackles progress. At its core, perfectionism stems from a deep-seated insecurity, leading us to hold the...
Recently, while working on a ministry project at a coffee shop, I ordered a 12-ounce light-iced coffee with cream and two Stevia. Pretty simple. Except it came out with way too much cream. I noticed right away, but I didn’t say anything. Instead I grabbed the coffee when they called...